Mt 20:20-28
A good mother desires the best for her children. And that is what we can see here; the mother of James and John desired great things for her two sons, even though she was not aware of the significance of what she was asking. “Command that these two sons of mine sit, one at your right and the other at your left.” The gospel is in the context where the Apostles sensed that the inauguration of the kingdom was near. Unfortunately, their self-centered ambition focused on what they would gain in the coming kingdom and how they should posture themselves politically in that kingdom. Jesus had just revealed the details about His impending death and resurrection; it seems that the apostles decided to push that information to the back of their minds.
They didn't understand the previous lessons Jesus gave, concerning humility and that Kingdom citizens don't seek titles, position or influence; kingdom citizens seek to please the Lord, not themselves; kingdom citizens are driven to deny themselves, take up their cross of suffering and follow the Lord in humble service. Jesus had just spoken of His own coming sufferings, crucifixion and resurrection, yet they were preoccupied with their own concerns.
The Lord Jesus answered with a question of His own, to reinforce the fact of His coming sufferings and to correct their selfishness and their ignorance of the truth about the kingdom. ‘You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” They had absolutely no idea what they were asking, even though they answered, “We are able”.
The Lord seized the opportunity and “called all twelve apostles to Himself.” This request on behalf of James and John displeased the other apostles. And Jesus used this opportunity to teach an important lesson. To be great in the kingdom one must serve, as the Son of Man came to serve. As they listened, He gave an analogy between the worldly attitude they were all displaying and the proper attitude that His followers should have about their place in the kingdom.
What the apostles had obviously not yet taken to heart was the fact that God’s kingdom did not operate on a purely human level. Our ambition in the kingdom of heaven cannot take the form of man’s sinful ambition for worldly things. They are in no way compatible.
On the one hand, human ambition apart from God is inherently flawed and will always be somewhat selfishly motivated at best. On the other hand, the believer’s ambition is ultimately to do the will of God even at the expense of our own personal desires. Therefore, Jesus says, “Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave”.
In other words, believers receive their place in the kingdom not because they sought it, but because they sought to do the will of God above everything else. They were content to follow Him as humble servants. Rather than seek greatness, they have sought to serve. Rather than seeking first place, they have been content to be last if necessary. They have placed God’s will above their own, and He has rewarded them as He sees fit. It is ultimately a matter of attitude and perspective.
This is a lesson that every Christian needs to remember. Ambition is not wrong but should be for
the right object to do the will of God. Worldly ambition strives to exalt self and exercise authority over others; Christian ambition seeks to exalt God and humbly serve others. What is your ambition in life? Your mission is to serve God in His kingdom. Your focus must be that of following Jesus Christ in His sufferings while you do the will of the Father.
The important thing is that we be people of service, people who serve others. Serving others is
not just the path to greatness in the kingdom; it is also the path to happiness in life. THE
BEST WAY TO FIND YOURSELF IS TO LOOSE YOURSELF IN THE SERVICE OF OTHERS (GANDHI). Remember that someone led you to Christ; can you lead another to Him? Begin by being hospitable, offering acts of kindness and service. To the very least, offer service. Many have contributed to your spiritual growth, can you help others? Begin by being present at every service. Take a special interest in those who are in those you don’t know. Has anyone ever showed you kindness? "Be kind to one another".
BEST WAY TO FIND YOURSELF IS TO LOOSE YOURSELF IN THE SERVICE OF OTHERS (GANDHI). Remember that someone led you to Christ; can you lead another to Him? Begin by being hospitable, offering acts of kindness and service. To the very least, offer service. Many have contributed to your spiritual growth, can you help others? Begin by being present at every service. Take a special interest in those who are in those you don’t know. Has anyone ever showed you kindness? "Be kind to one another".
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