Friday, 30 November 2012


Rev 14:1-5; Lk 21:1-4

The first reading in today's mass is for the the Revelation of Saint John chapter 14. To understand the point the Church gives us today I would like to go back in the book of Revelation. Chapter 13 start with John saying: “ I saw a beast come out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads”. Then he describes this beast and say again: “I saw another beast coming up out of the earth”. John describes these two beasts destroying the world and then in chapter 14 he says : “I looked and saw a lamb standing on mount Zion. After the destruction of the beasts, John saw a Lamb surviving the calamity; not only standing, but standing with him a hundred and forty-four thousand. And these are the one who followed the Lamb wherever he goes.

I want to connect this image of John's book of revelation with the message of the gospel of today (Lk21:1-4) expressing the theme of fidelity and total trust in the Lord. The thousands of people in the first reading and the widow in the gospel give us the example of total trust, surrendering everything to Christ, the Lamb of God.
Where your treasure is there also will be your heard.

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