1: 19-28
Gospel speaks about the witness of John the Baptist when the the Jews
sent “priests and Levites” to question him about who he was. In
my meditation I was trying to put myself in the contest and
understand why all these questions to John. I think, looking at how
John was preaching, people were convinced that he was probably the
Messiah and they wanted to confirm that. The first question is are
you the Christ? He says I am not. Then immediately they thing that if
he is not the Messiah then he is the great prophet. Are you Elijah?
He says I am not. Some thing strange. If he is not Elijah, but he is
a prophet. Are you a prophet? And he says no. They are confused; he
is neither the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet. Then who are you
so that we can give an answer to those who sent us?
What is very
interesting is that John the Baptist had a clear sense of who he was
and who he wasn’t and it’s what I’d like for us to think about
this morning.
the Baptist is teaching us that our ability to know Jesus as the
Christ begins with the confession that we are not the Christ. In
other words, as long we rely on our own strength and wisdom and
resources, we hold Christ at a distance. Only as we recognize our
dependence on Christ, a power greater than ourselves and confess our
need of his grace and love, we truly experience him as the Lord and
Savior of our lives.
confession is very interesting. His confessing is his declaration
about Christ, when he says, "I am not the Christ." He calls
himself a voice in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord.
Thus his confession is free and open, declaring not only what he is,
but also what he is not.
is it that you baptize if you are neither the Messiah, nor Elijah,
nor the prophet? The response of John is another affirmation with
which he indicates that Jesus is the Messiah: “ I baptize with
water, but standing among you, unknown to you, is one who is coming
after me; and I am not fit to undo the strap of his sandal”.
you recognize the presence of the Lord Jesus in your life? John the
Baptist did such a great job of stirring the peoples’ expectation
of the Messiah’s arrival, that many thought he might be the Messiah
himself, or at least the great prophet Elijah who was expected to
reappear at the Messiah’s coming. John had no mistaken identity. In
all humility and sincerity he said he was only a voice bidding people
to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah King. Do you
recognize your identity as an adopted child of God and a citizen of
God's heavenly kingdom?
was the greatest of the prophets, yet he lived as a humble and
faithful servant of God. He pointed others to Jesus, the Messiah and
Savior of the world. Do you point others to Jesus Christ by the
testimony of your witness and example?
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