Thursday, 25 July 2013


Mat 13:18-23

Today’s first reading is about the law of the Lord given to the Israelites. For the Israelites, the Ten Commandments were viewed as freeing them from a life of moral slavery to a life of loving service and obedience to God in the Promised Land. That is why the psalmist sings to God: “How I love your law, O Lord! How sweet to my palate are your promises. A lamp to my feet is your word and a light to my path.

In the gospel we hear the explanation of the parable of the sower portraying our response to the word of God, to the law of the Lord. For a clearer understanding of His teaching, Jesus explains the parable of the sower which we heard before yesterday. In his explanation, he puts it clear that the big problem we have with God’s word lies not in receiving it, but in retaining it and making it bear fruit. All of us hear the word of God; all receive the seed of the sower. The question each of us must ask himself or herself today is, “What type of soil for the word of God do I represent? It requires a lot of honesty to admit which type of soil we are. But if we look deep in our lives, we see all the four types of soil in us sometimes. I don’t want to compare our different dispositions to the word with different types of soil, because soil cannot help itself being what it is; but we can change. And so the important question is: “How can I improve the disposition of my heart so that the word of God can bear fruit in my life or bear fruit more abundantly?

God keeps sowing His word, unmindful where it might fall. Our God is a loving and patient God who gives his word and blessings without counting the cost, loving without minding which seed might get lost on the way, or on rocky ground, or among thorns. The seed of God’s word is everywhere. How have we been receptive to it? Hearing God’s word involves listening with our mind, our heart and our soul so that it may take root in us and bear fruits. Let us pray through the intercession of Saints Joachim and Anne, that the good Lord may soften our hearts and enable us to receive his word and put it into practice.

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