Matthew 16: 24-28
today’s gospel Jesus spells out the cost of discipleship. It is good to note
that Jesus, wanting to stress a more radical response to his invitation,
expresses this point in a very strong way: “If anyone wants to follow me, let
him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me”. It is a warning for
us today that we have to be fully aware of what we are actually following or
doing, as Christians and to do it freely in a way that nothing can hinder us.
are living in the society where pain or suffering is considered as the downside
of life and so it has to be avoided or as much as possible less felt. The
advances in the field of technology and medicine show how much time, resources
and human intelligence are put together to respond to this human desire to
avoid any pain. Medicine offers us fast relief from body pains. Laws are made
in such a way that nobody should or would never experience pain. What is the
message of Christ for us today when he says “If anyone wants to follow him, let
him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow”; and that whoever wishes
to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Christ’s sake
will find it?
think, denying the reality of pain and suffering in our Christian life might
have a negative repercussion in our society today. Look at the growing of
infidelity in our society, the inability for lifelong commitment, and the horrific
data of abuses in the society. All of these can be traced to modern people’s
incapacity to bear pain and to suffer for somebody, for something or for higher
values such as freedom, justice, peace, equality and other noble values.
Lord Jesus Christ came to oppose sufferings and sin in all forms. This can be
seen in all his miracles. But yet he gave himself up to suffering even
including death on the cross and he invites us today to take up our crosses as
to tell us that for Christians suffering or pain is necessary. The gospel today
challenges us to embrace the cross as a redemptive way in our life. The reality
of pain in Christian life leads us to be patient in suffering and be
compassionate with those who are suffering. May the Lord help us to be able to
face our life with the eyes of faith and to be able to sacrifice ourselves out
of love the sake of our brothers and sisters who are suffering.
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