Luke 8:16-18
is always interesting to see how some gospel passages contradict each other. This
gospel is one of these seemingly contradictions in the bible. When we read the
first part of this passage we seem to clearly understand what it means because
we have the experience of the light. It is true that the light is not lit to be
put under the bed, but rather on a lampstand for people to see. But the second
part of this same passage is a bit confusing. “To anyone who has, more will be
given, and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken
this not contradicting the whole teaching of Jesus about the care of the poor? It
is as if Jesus is saying the rich will receive more, and the poor will be made
poorer. Bu I think this passage is not about material possessions. Rather, as
the psalmist puts it in psalm 50 “For you do not desire sacrifice or I would
give it; a burnt offering you would not accept. My sacrifice, O God, is a
contrite spirit; a contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn”.
is what is all about in this passage: having a humbled heart, a loving heart, a
contrite heart. And if you have that heart, more will be given. If you have
that kind of heart then you will be open and you will benefit of all the
blessings of God; of all that the Lord has to give. And if you don’t have that
heart, then nothing will be given unto you, and the little you have will be
taken away. This idea connects you to the first part of the light. The light that
you have, the loving heart that you have should shine wherever you are. A
loving heart, a humbled heart is never hidden. It shines for all to see. It gives
light to all who come closer to it. May the give us humbled and contrite hearts.
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