Sunday, 3 November 2013


Luke 19:1-10

Today, the gospel presents to us an interesting scene. A man called Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. This man was fascinated with Jesus and loved to find out who he was. But he was short and he couldn’t see Jesus because of the crowd. He thought of a way to see Jesus without anybody disturbing him. He climbed a tree and positioned himself up there to see Jesus.

This is interesting because of what is said about this man. Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and a wealthy man. So imagine this big man of the society climbing a tree. This was something ridiculous for him to do; climbing a tree was something for boys and slaves. Can you imagine the shame and embarrassment he must have felt to be seen up on that tree? The people must have laughed at him. But Zacchaeus was determined to see Jesus and would not let anyone or anything to stop him from doing this. He does not mind anything. This is not, for him, an opportunity to be miss.

And Jesus looked at Zacchaeus up there on the tree and said: “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today”. He hurried down the tree with a big smile on his face and the crowd made way for him as he went to hug Jesus and lead the way to his house. What is the point in this gospel? What is the lesson for us?

We will, all of us here agree that we have our own ways to succeed in life. If we want to make more money, we know how to do it. We know how to keep ourselves healthy. Bad students, who are expert in cheating, know how to do it. And so the immediate questions confronting you and me are these: How genius, how intelligent are we in providing for our spiritual needs? How smart are we in our spiritual life? Zacchaeus had an idea of climbing a tree, regardless his status in order to see Jesus. What are our technics to see God? What kind of effort do we put in our spiritual life? Do we know that God has given us everything no matter what we do and that he will call us for accountability? In this life, we work hard to provide for our wellbeing. How hard or how dedicated are we in providing for our spiritual wellbeing?

God is always with those who want to see him. God will always reward our initiatives. Zacchaeus want to see Jesus, but Jesus is the first to see him. When he saw Zacchaeus on o tree just because he wanted to see him He said: "Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today." And he added: “Today salvation has come to this house”. If we have the intention to see Jesus with sincere heart, he will reward our efforts, forgive our shortcoming and transform our lives. Are we willing to see him? When we receive the forgiveness of Jesus we are transformed. Let us turn to the mercy of Jesus and be healed of our sins and renewed and transformed. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart.  Will you, like Zacchaeus, open the door and welcome Jesus in?

Short poem

Money can buy bed but not sleep


Money can buy food but not appetite


Money can buy a house but not a home


Money can buy medicine but not health


Money can buy pleasure but not joy


Money can buy books but not wisdom


Money can buy style but not beauty


Money can buy contracts but not trustworthiness


Money can buy weapons but not peace


Money can buy bodyguards but not peace of heart


Money can buy beautiful grave but not eternal life.

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