Monday, 2 December 2013


Mt 24:37-44

Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the church’s liturgical calendar.  The call is to “wake up from sleep” (Rom 13:11) or “to stay awake for you do not know when your Lord will come” (Mt 24, 43). This does not mean that we are in the state of dozing and need to be awaken; this is not about physical sleepiness.

Spiritually speaking, what does it mean to stay awake? Being awake means to keep in our minds and in our conscious that the Lord is coming. It is an invitation to enter into the spirit of Advent, the spirit of this coming. It is also a call to keep in mind that Christ, the son of God who came to us as a child and who will come again in glory comes in our live every day. He comes to us in our day-to-day journey of faith. We should always have this constant awareness. In short, we are called to a continuing renewal or conversion.

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