Wednesday, 9 April 2014


Jn 8: 31-42

And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Today’s readings treat the themes of faithfulness and freedom in relation to the word of God. In the first reading we heard that the three young men were delivered from the furnace because of their faithfulness to God. Saint John in the gospel helps us to understand how Jesus places himself within the whole history of the People of God as the one who comes to set them free. In a discussion with the Jews, Jesus brings faithfulness and freedom together under the knowledge of the truth. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. True freedom is an outcome of faithfulness to the truth. And this truth is the word of God, Jesus Christ himself. This is why he says: “If the son frees you then you will truly be free.” In this discussion Jesus deals with the difference between the slavery of sin and the freedom of children of God. He links knowing the truth and living in the truth with freedom: those who follow him as his disciples will share in his divine sonship and truly be free.

Jesus furthermore points out that being part of the people of God is not by kinship as the Jews thought when they said: “We are descendants of Abraham and never been enslaved to anyone.” But, for Jesus belonging to the Kingdom of God is by welcoming and being faithful to the truth.

                The good news of the gospel is that Christ has set us free from the power of sin.  He has done this through the power of his Holy Spirit. We can now walk in his way of love and holiness. A disciple is a follower and a listener.  If we listen to the words of Jesus, with a humble and teachable spirit, he will give us the grace and the power to follow in his way of holiness.  As we continue our Lenten journey, let us ask the Lord to open our ears to his word that we may be attentive and faithful to his truth and truly be free.          

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