Sunday, 18 May 2014


John 14:21-26
We are approaching the end of the Easter period and in today’s gospel Jesus is preparing the disciples for the day he will no longer be with them, the day they will be on their own to carry out His mission on this earth. Chapter 14 of the Gospel of John is a beautiful picture of how Jesus is trying to prepare his disciples about his departure. Responding to the questions of the disciples Jesus gives fundamental lessons that are still valid even today. In this chapter 14, we find the question of Thomas, the question of Philip, and the question of Judas expressing the worries of the disciples about the departure of the master.

Responding to these questions, Jesus reveals himself clearly. To Thomas he says: I am the way the truth and the life. To Philip he says: I and the Father are one. To Judas he says: Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my father and I will come to him and make our dwelling with him. In his part of the gospel we have just read, the note is on love. The First Letter of Saint John says: “He who dos not love does not know God because God is Love”. And Jesus tells Philip: “Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father. So what is love, if I may ask?

(There is a story of a young girl who wanted give all her blood to her classmate after an accident because she loved her).

We love God through the love we have for our neighbor. Love is active, love is real, love is life. The question is: How really do I love God that he may come and make his dwelling with me?


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