Friday, 1 August 2014


Mat 14:13-21

The gospel text of this Sunday presents to us the compassionate and powerful Christ. As he heard the news about John’s death, Jesus went out of the town. The crowd noticed this movement and followed him. They brought their sick people to Jesus for healing and he cured them. It was getting late and unfortunately, the crowd had not come prepared for the day. They did not bring with them their provisions, their food. And this brought about a problem. It was a very practical problem. Nowhere to get food for such a crowd. And the disciples said to their master: it is good that we dismiss them. But Jesus tells His disciples: feed them, give them food.

Off course this is not possible. They only have five loaves and two fish. What is this for such a crowd? Jesus asks for what the disciples have. He says: Bring them here. Let us look at this action. Giving their food, five loaves and two fish, to 5000 men was a very risky move. With such a crowd, they might not get even a scrap for themselves. It is risky, it is a sacrifice. The question is why did Jesus need these loaves and fish? He could simply ask his Father to send rain of bread and fish from heaven. Why did he ask for what the disciples have? Was it necessary for him to use those loaves and fish? I think that is where the lesson for us is. Jesus’ method is to involve men and women in his mission. The message here is that to make our poverty an overabundance, we should bring it to Jesus. Our God does not start from nothing. He has made us worthy to be part of his work of creation, and he wants our little contribution.

But most of times in our Christian life we are very hesitant to cooperate with God. We think we are not worthy, or we are weak, or we have nothing that God can use. We wait for God to do everything for us and we forget that his is waiting for our five loaves and two fish. Yes, each one of us here has the five loaves and the two fish that God needs to perform the miracle in our society today. The important question for us is this: What are my five loaves and two fish that I need to offer to God for him to multiply them and feed millions of hungry people in the world? How can I contribute to the work of God in the Church and in the society?

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