Friday, 20 March 2015


John 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30
Today, our readings speak of the same theme of the rejection of the Just. In the first reading, the wicked say among themselves: Let us beset the just because he is intolerable to us. And in the gospel, the Jewish authorities are trying to kill Jesus because they dislike the truth that comes from him. In our gospel passage, Jesus went to Jerusalem secretly and there he begun to preach. Seeing this, people were confused because they were aware that Jesus had become the target of their religious leaders and yet he goes about openly and speaks freely and without fear. They were also confused about his identity. They said: Could the authorities have realized that he is the Christ? But all know where he comes from. How then can he be the Messiah?
When you read John’s gospel, you discover the progressive revelation which Jesus makes of himself to the disciples and to the people of his time. And at the same time, even in the same proportion, you discover that as Jesus reveals himself to people, there is also the closing up and the opposition of the Jewish authority against him increasing, up to the point of deciding to kill him. As he reveals himself, people reject him.
Jesus, throughout His time, encountered increasing hostility to His message and mission. But in spite of rejection, verbal harassment and even death threats He was able to accomplish God’s will. Jesus did not let His fear conquer Him. He took risks because of His trust in the one who sent him; because he knew and loved God who sent him. That is why he was able to speak boldly even in the midst of his enemies. In our own life, we surely have some sort of rejection. We surely have things that try pull us away from the right path. I think from this passage, during this period of lent God wants to tell us that the path of truth is a difficult path. God is telling us that despite the trials we go though, despite what the world may try to tell us, He is there and he wants to guide us into happy and fulfilling life. There will be unexpected curves in the road, some negative elements on our path. But we have to put our attention on God’s love for us. And trust him.
            May this time in Lent continue be a beneficial one for us all, that we may undertake genuine conversion. May Almighty God grant us His grace and give us courage to move forward.

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