Sunday, 17 May 2015


Jn16: 29-33
The context of today’s gospel is to be the environment of the Last Supper, an environment of fraternity and of farewell. As Jesus was talking to his disciples, they were happy that he was not anymore talking to them in veiled manner such as in his parables before. This time they found no need to question Him and expressed their faith: “Now we realize that you know everything and because of this, we believe that you came from God.”
Jesus’s reaction seems discouraging; but it is actually a challenge. He warns his disciples that their faith would be put to the test and that they would fail. Jesus speaks plainly about the tragedy of betrayal and the triumph of the cross.  He knew the hearts of his disciples and knew that they would desert him in his hour of trial. He tells them all this, not to discourage them, but so that they can be prepared and find peace. 
There will be many troubles facing them in the coming days and indeed in the years ahead.  They are not to worry: Jesus has conquered the world, not in any political or economic sense but in overcoming the evil of the world.  His disciples can share in that victory, as long as they stay close to him and walk his Way.
And for us it is an invitation that Jesus offers. He invites us to be totally united with Him; to make His faith our own; a faith that goes the way of the cross; a faith that knows the loneliness of total abandonment; a faith that looks through death and sees an Easter morning. It is the faith that “believes in the sun even when it is not shining,” a faith that shines in the darkest of night because it knows that there is no darkness that God’s love cannot penetrate.

This morning, Jesus calls each of us to take courage, because he has overcome the world and has promised the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit, which gives us a living hope in the power of the resurrection and a confident trust in God ‘s abiding presence; the Holy Spirit which gives us the strength and courage we need to overcome adversity and to persevere in faith. Nothing can overcome this faith and hope in Christ's victor. May the Lord help us to grow in our faith.

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