Sunday, 14 June 2015


Mk4: 26-34
When Jesus said: “…and the seed would sprout and grow…” The second parable, which we also ready today, contrasts the tiny seed to the large beautiful plants that grows from it. These two parables have the same message. From the first parable, we learn that the Kingdom of God even if it requires our collaboration is first and foremost, a grace and a gift coming from God. It is not primarily a product of human effort.
This parable reveals to us that God’s kingdom grows in our heart in a marvelous, mysterious way, without our knowing how. The second reveals to us that the tiny seed of God’s kingdom in our hearts will eventually grow into something beautiful.

What these two parables tell us? These two parables tell us three things:
First, Jesus tells to hope. There are occasions when our faith is put into test. It seems that our faith is useless, because like for example, our words seem to have no effect. Everything appears to go wrong despite our effort. The parable tells us to hope. The kind words that we tell today and fail to penetrate in one’s being might bear only its fruit tomorrow. The effort we seemingly waste on our children one day become an inspiration to them as adults. Let us keep on hoping.

Second, Jesus tells us to be patient. Maybe, first of all, let us be patient with ourselves, for we are the first to suffer from our shortcomings like being over-sensitive, being a worrier or perfectionist. We may have to plant the seed of understanding to convince ourselves that very few people want to be bad, but that all people make mistakes.

Third, Jesus tells us to trust God. God planted the seed of His Kingdom inside us. He understands what is happening in our heart even if we don’t, so we should trust.

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