Matthew 6:19-23
up treasures in heaven because where your treasure is, there also will your
heart be.” In today’s Gospel we continue our reflection on the Sermon on the
Mountain. These passed days we have reflected on the practice of the three
works of piety: alms giving (Mt 6, 1-4), prayer (Mt 6, 5-15) and fasting (Mt 6,
16-18). Today’s and tomorrow’s Gospel presents four recommendations on the
relationship with material goods, explaining clearly how to live the poverty of
the first Beatitude: (a) not to accumulate (Mt 6, 19-21); (b) to have a correct
idea of material goods (Mt 6,22-23); (c) not serve two masters (Mt 6,24); (d)
to abandon oneself to Divine Providence (Mt 6,25-34). Today’s Gospel presents
the first two recommendations: not to accumulate goods 19-21) and not to look
at the world with diseased eyes (6, 22-23).
these recommendations, Jesus makes a distinction between earthly treasure and
heavenly treasure. He is saying that earthly treasure does not last; it ends;
it goes away from our sight; it can be stole; it is temporal; it is passing.
While heavenly treasure is not vulnerable to the attacks. Jesus shows that
heavenly treasure is not only a longer lasting treasure but also it is a far
greater treasure because it is in God’s hands. St. Paul in his letter to the
Philippians, says: “I have come to rate all as loss in the light of the
surpassing knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ….I have accounted all else rubbish
because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (Phil 3:7ff).
does it mean to store up treasures in heaven? It is a question of knowing where
I place the basis of my existence. If I place it on material goods of this
earth, I always run the danger of losing what I have stored up. If I place it
on God, nobody will be able to destroy it and I will have interior freedom to
share with others what I possess.
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