Mt 6:7-15
Of all Jesus’ teachings, the “Our
father” is by far the best known and often the most quoted. It is indeed, the
one common denominator of all Christians. During my meditation I found out that
this “Our Father” can be interpreted as a commentary or explanation of the
Great Commandment of Love; as Jesus said: love God and love your neighbor. The
deepest foundation of the commandment of love is our divine filiation. Jesus
called us to love because we are children of God who is love.
Looking at the “Our Father”, the first
part deals with the love of God. It corresponds to the first three commandments
of the Decalogue. This part has three petitions: Hollowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done. That is the love of God.
The second part of the “Our Father”
concerns the love for self and for others. This part has petitions concerning
the basic needs of human life: On the first level, we ask for ourselves and for
all humanity our daily sustenance of food. On the second level, we ask for
sound relationships through forgiveness. On the third level, we ask for
deliverance from evil, that we may never be separated from the Lord. This part
corresponds to the second part of the Great Commandment of the Lord: Love your
neighbor as yourself.
Two important lessons for us this
morning as we continue to meditate upon this prayer. First, giving us this
prayer, Jesus did not intend to give us a fixed formula but to show us the spirit
of Christian prayer. The spirit behind Christian prayer is total and complete
trust in God as our personal Father, who loves His children without condition.
As we call God, “Abba” we express our childlike trust and intimate familiarity
with God, who knows what we need, who reads our hearts.
Second, when Jesus gives this prayer, he
teaches us that prayer is a common thing. The Our Father is the prayer that
draws all Christians together. St. Cyprian said: “The Lord, Master of peace and
unity, did not want us to pray individually and by ourselves. Our prayer is for
everybody.” And Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said that the word “our” at the
beginning of the “Our Father” requires of us to “step out of the closed circle
of our “ego.” It requires that we surrender ourselves to communion with others
as children of God.” May the Lord, Our Father help us to be his true children.
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