Friday, 5 December 2014


Matt 9:27-31
Today’s gospel scene is unusual, even mysterious and almost funny. Imagine two blind men running after Christ and Jesus seems to ignore them. It is only when He enters a house that they can finally reach Him and have their request answered. This is quite strange because usually Jesus is quite eager to cure people and in this gospel scene, He makes hard for these two blind men to grant their request. Why is this?
Undoubtedly they must have been a little afraid or nervous but their desire to be healed and their faith in Christ was greater than any of the physical, emotional or psychological obstacles. They wanted to be healed.
This is maybe because God sometimes delays to answer our own prayers. In the sense that too often, our desire and faith are shallow and God allows more time to deepen them. And a time like this, a time of Advent is a period to deepen our faith and our desire.

And so, let us enlarge our desires, hearts and our faith knowing God is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine.

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